
My name is Richard Nubla. I am an aspiring animator studying Digital Media Arts at San Jose State University, and I am hoping to get into a Master's Program for animation in the future. I really like to make things in general, and so I like to work in many different mediums. Traditional, Digital, 3-D; I think I've made some pretty cool stuff in all shapes and forms. The ones I use most often however, would be digital mediums, such as Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Animate along with traditional mediums, such as chalk pastels, charcoal, pencil, on large scale canvases. I really like to use juxtaposition (maybe a little bit too much at times) and I would say that it is really moving and interesting when done correctly. I want my art to be fun and interesting to absorb, but also spread a message when I feel strongly about something. I want to collaborate with other creators and make cool things that could have never been possible for someone to create alone.

For me, art has always been the plan since I was a kid. Even through all the negative feedback that I've gotten from choosing to study art, I've stuck with it because I believe it is what I am meant to do. I couldn't tell you how I first got into practicing art, but I know that I kept doing it because it felt right; I kept making things and constantly growing myself along with my trade because it felt right. My grandmother always told me to become an engineer or a chemist because I always showed promise in those fields as well, and sure, maybe I could've tried to do those things, and maybe I could make a good amount of money, but money isn't everything, and I believe that doing something you love is much more important. Imagine that you spend all your time just making money in a job you hate, and then what? You have all that money, but no time to spend it for anything you enjoy. I don’t want to do labor for my whole life. It just doesn’t sound appealing to me. That’s why I want to do art for a living; because I would actually feel like I am living.

More recently, in my last two semesters at San Jose State, I have been collaborating with other students to make some video games. I am working as an animator and designer to help envision characters and assets and bring them to life. I have worked on 4 games as of 2021, including a space invaders type game, a side scrolling zombie game, a 2-D fighting game (Which has been the most in depth and challenging project I have worked on thus far), and a Dungeons and Dragons type board game. Currently, in the pandemic, I have found it difficult to collaborate with others, but I am creating personal projects on my own.

Also, if you are concerned about the glitches happening in between pages, it is done for aesthetic purposes.


(707)712-8790 / richardadrian.nubla@gmail.com /

insta: @chiwi_the_kiwi